Monday, April 19, 2010

yom hazikaron

it is a quarter after 11 in the morning. fifteen minutes ago the siren for the dead in israeli wars (do they include civilians killed by terrorists?) sounded. i thought of sariel and beni gal. a little moshe tal and some guys i never met, yair yehuda's cousin or brother.

seems to me there will be more wars. i think the settlements were a real mistake. but i have no time machine, so where do we go from here? with a solid right wing majority. maybe dan meridor is capable of negotiating a treaty, but will bibi give him the power.

so right away i'm figuring out chess moves to get us out of this mess. constantly reading mondoweiss. at times they infuriate and get me to hate the palestinians more. at times they make me rethink my position. they constantly get me to wish i had a time machine, but still even if i could go back in time, there are those that i wouldn't be able to convince.

i thought of gedalia pollack and thoughts that he lives in texas. visits to facebook prove my desire to go back in time. but time marches on.

my script moves slowly (my writing of it, not the pacing necessarily). i will survive. but i must add other things to my daily dose if i am truly to survive.

watching a movie of break in people (funny games) reminds me of holocaust rather than yom hazikaron. holocaust siren pissed me off a bit. i think about it enough. but yom hazikaron, although the timing is suspect, obviously the sentiment is understandable. america too has its memorial day, although it means nothing to most people.

i can't see my participation in politics really making the big difference of a change in israeli policy, so much more so palestinian policy. my wish to run away, besides a wish to escape my parents and refresh my habit, and earn a living. what does it mean?

god be with you.

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