Saturday, April 10, 2010

the pied piper (M8)

an insignificant film with monty wooley. in france when war breaks out, an older cantankerous man is asked to take two children with him back to england. he agrees. one is roddy mcdowal and one is roddy's younger sister. (ongoing joke: is rodchester a state or a city. the kid knows the truth and monty says it's a state, in the climax otto preminger says he has a brother in rodchester, new york.) there really is not much tension between roddy and monty, but the premise is that there is. they start out on a train, which doesn't make it to paris. then they take a bus to chartres, a girl comes along with them on the bus. the bus gets shot at and a boy joins them. monty goes to visit french friends he met on holiday, anne baxter and mother. by this time a dutch boy has joined them. they arrange for a boat to cross the channel and the germans stop them. otto, the nazi kommandant (so to speak), is convinced that monty is a spy, but eventually monty convinces him of his innocence and otto convinces monty to take his niece, a half jew, with him to england and he takes a boatload of kids to england.

C minus.

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