Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Resnick the nudnik

last night i went to the cultural center on emek refaim. i would have gone anyway because they advertised that bigman would be there, but he wasn't. we arrived in time to catch most of the first half of the program, that included a rabbi gilad, who was impressive, from the same yeshiva as bigman and also some woman chana friedman, on the topic of tolerance. the second half of the program was about cooperation between various streams of judaism, which featured a rabbi barry schlesinger from the conservative movement. there were plenty of ugly women there, present for the homos and orthodoxy subconference which we didn't attend, there were a handful of pretty women as well, but i was probably too subdued to make a move on them anyway. i met one of the krakowski girls, who was friends with esther krauss, who didn't recognize me until i told her who i was and then felt embarrassed that she didn't recognize me, but hillcrest is warsaw ghetto to me (not auschwitz, but not good). it is what i call a recon exit, last one in memory was before or right after yom kippur with yossi klein halevi also on emek, but that time there was a bit more conversation. i blame myself for leaving too late to see the first part of the program, but i was going without sleep, so i shouldn't blame. and i really don't mind what i missed. resnick was a bit of a pain, until the walk home when he couldn't stop talking against barry schlesinger and the conservative movement. when we got home i mentioned 80 is for gvura and it is in chapter five, mishna 25, the last chapter that i chose (except for one and six) and he had to say each mishna, one by one, by number and he is a real nudnik. leaving for england in less than 48 hours.

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