Friday, April 16, 2010

laughing fit (13)

my sleep is off kilter.
i went to my parents like i do every thursday evening, last night. arrived in a bad mood. at dinner i mentioned that going to a shiva visit for someone i really didn't like was an unusual situation. we got to discussing old people and how mrs. kushelevsky is no longer with it. and i started laughing how old age is pick from three categories- legs, other physical and mental. and i started mocking someone paranoid, "they're trying to kill me." but dad didn't understand what i was talking about, or he thought i was talking about someone specific.
i tried to show them "a serious man" again, but their computer is messed up.
i got into the center of town, carrying two salmons and not enough sleep and called resnick, but he was at a class of steinzaltz.
when i was already on the bus he called me back. he invited me for a picnic on yom ha atzmaut. usually i don't talk on the bus, but i did. i asked if i could bring a palestinian flag. a woman (girl) gave me a dirty look. i have nothing planned for tuesday.

i dreamt that there was a family get together with various members invited and then on the way back we stop at some factory where there is a tour and some of the group have to be miniaturized in order to go on the tour and then they suffered the bends (ENZ) because of the combination of their miniaturization and the speed with which i carried them around. the guy from the cia said that i did a good job that 63% of them emerged without getting the bends (or a threat) they'd find out in a few days. and dov and tova were responsible for taking the tour and right before hand they had driven wildly and almost injured a woman because of their incaution. the kids didn't want to be miniaturized and in fact it was dangerous. but it was mostly bigger and older people who suffered more from the miniaturization.

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