Sunday, April 25, 2010

thunderbolt and lightfoot (M27)

clint eastwood and jeff bridges. written and directed by michael cimino. jeff bridges a minor conman robs a car and bumps into clint eastwood. eastwood was hiding out as a preacher when a criminal breaks into the service and shoots things up. eastwood flees and jeff bridges picks him up. with a belt eastwood pops his shoulder back into place. they exchange cars a few times and head to warsaw montana. eastwood would have abandoned the kid, but he is being chased by two fellows "goody" and george kennedy. they are intent on killing eastwood, because he ran off with the money from a score. the money is supposed to be hidden behind a blackboard in a one room schoolhouse but when eastwood and bridges arrive, the schoolhouse is gone and replaced by a modern school. they decide on replicating the original heist. buying a tank gun. getting the safe combination from the head of the bank (armored car). getting the western union man to let bridges in, so that he will not be alerted by the alarm. they end up at a drive in with a trunkful of money. also in the trunk are kennedy and "goody", but kennedy sneezes and his shirt is sticking out the back, so there is a drive in lady who won't tolerate it, so they have to run away in their car. goody gets shot and kennedy dumps him out. then he puts the gun on eastwood and bridges and kicks bridges awful hard. kennedy gets killed in a chase. bridges and eastwood are back at their starting point, but they run across the old one room schoolhouse, kept intact as a historical monument. tourists are inside. so alarmed by eastwood and bridges appearance that they offer them their camera and wallet and then escape. indeed the money is still behind the blackboard and eastwood buys a car and drives into the "sunset" with bridges. but "midnight cowboy" style, bridges dies (from the kicks from kennedy), so eastwood drives on with a corpse next to him.


not worthy of summary- "the jerk" with steve martin and "date night" with steve carrel and tina fey. in both cases a plot summary is extraneous.

date night. tina and steve take somebody else's reservation. bad guys come in and assume they are roger o thorton. they chase them to central park. steve and tina go to the cops. but the bad guys are cops. they go to a security expert to find out where the real reservation lives after stealing the phone number from the restaurant. they go to the real reservation and find that it is the d.a. that is being blackmailed and they go to the d.a. at a strip club and then the cops and the head of the mob show up.

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