Sunday, April 25, 2010

eyes without a face/les yeux sans visage (m29)

a doctor helped by his secretary seeks to transplant a face onto his daughter whose face was disfigured in a car wreck. (the doctor who acts recklessly, drives recklessly as well.) when the surgery fails, he has to dispose of the bodies of the transplant givers (those he kidnapped with the purpose of stealing their faces). the daughter is helpless, wishes she were dead, hopes that the transplant will work, feels guilty/ambivalent for stealing the faces of these young women, grows desperate when her face rejects the transplant. the secretary is indebted to the doctor for fixing her own face and seems to be in love with the doctor. the daughter calls up her fiancee and thus alerts him to the fact she is still alive even after the doctor tries to pass off a dead transplant victim as his own daughter. young women are lured to the clinic by the secretary who promises them a cheap room. young women are going missing causing police interest. a surgery to take a woman's face is about to take place, when the police arrive, but the police are too incompetent to realize that a surgery is about to take place. but the daughter is present when the transplant victim awakens and she frees the victim. the doctor also experiments on dogs and birds. the daughter frees the dogs who kill the doctor. the daughter kills the secretary stabbing her right in the spot where her pearl necklace covers up the spot of the surgery that fixed the secretary. the daughter exits into the night with a bird on her arm (a spirit of the night with her spooky mask.)

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