Sunday, May 16, 2010

moshe's wedding

the charedi were burning garbage in the streets thus making my trip to mom and dad longer and unpleasant. (my shoes don't fit, which is okay with shoes that have laces but not okay with shoes that have no laces.) the busdriver would not let me out early, and i walked down bnai brith and then to mom and dad's. dad could hardly stand and thus it was difficult moving him around. the wheelchair mobile was driven by a sour and moody charedi. we arrived before anybody and discovered that the wedding was on the second floor and there was no elevator. dad stayed downstairs for the chupa. shloimie was very helpful. i shot some video. there are a lot of grandchildren and most are good looking. remarkably so for ruchi. i gave ruchi's hubby the money i didn't give him on bris day. i didn't give moshe money because i'm in a sour mood. no pre chupa food only soda to drink. those people are unfriendly, especially women to men. tova came late and i spoke to neither her nor talia nor hila. spoke to jon a little. taking dad to the bathroom was a long and terrible process, which esther wanted to interrupt with saying hello. esther and sons were there. carmelit and hubby. rochel as well. kenny came late. was surprised by my resnick invite. berel didn't have much to say to me, except commenting on the motorcycle in the area of the chupa, also chairs were there and a throw out couch. left before any real food. stayed for a yotze zine dancing. they were an hour in the yichud and thus early wheelchair mobile plus long yichud equals no food and lousy mood. were late for the wheelchair mobile guy and he shouted at us. which meant that mom had to put her own seat belt on and dad went the whole way with his feet up instead of on the ground. chaya was friendly. mostly a tircha. glad i went, but no great joy involved. was really a small crowd. on the way home the charedi were still burning garbage which meant a walk up a hill with painful shoes past the burning garbage and saying "assholes" about the burning of garbage in the streets. (they are moving bones to make way for a hospital, how terrible! but i've seen poltergeist so i know what this means.) spoke to resnick by cell phone in the bus. (very rare to initiate contact by cell phone on a bus.)

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