Monday, June 7, 2010

(M60) five minutes of heaven

a protestant irish uvf teenager fighter kills a catholic and leaves his younger brother alive. (mother of younger brother: you killed your brother by not stopping the killing.) when he grows up he becomes liam neeson and he sets up programs of reconciliation. a t.v. station arranges a meeting of them on camera, but the grown up younger brother has very mixed feelings and brings a knife with and wishes to kill liam, but at the last second calls off the meeting. liam needs the meeting to get on with his life, so he visits belfast and sends a note, lets meet at the house where the killing took place. they meet and younger brother takes out a knife and they wrestle and fall out a window, injured but not dead. liam tells him. live for your daughters, forget about me. younger brother goes to a therapy group and realizes he wants to live for his daughters. he calls up liam: it's over. liam falls to his knees and cries.

Solid B

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